Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Changing the Password for the Siebel Administrator Database Account

Use the following procedure to modify the password for the Siebel administrator database account. You must also change the corresponding password parameter for the Siebel Enterprise and change the password in the Windows Registry.

To change the password for the Siebel administrator database account

Change the Siebel administrator's password for the Enterprise as follows:
Log into a Siebel employee application, such as Siebel Call Center.
Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration, and then Enterprises.
Click the Parameters tab.
In the Enterprise Parameters list, select the Password parameter.
In the Value field, enter the new password, then commit the record.
Log out of the Siebel application (all users must log out).
Change the Siebel administrator's password in the database.
For more information, refer to your RDBMS documentation on changing passwords.

Change the Siebel administrator's password in the Windows registry of each Siebel Server in your Siebel Enterprise as follows:
Make a copy of the Siebel Gateway Name Server parameters file, siebns.dat, located in the Admin folder of the Gateway Name Server root directory.
Edit the copy of siebns.dat using a text editor, and locate the new encrypted Siebel administrator password by navigating to the entry similar to the following:

The Value parameter contains the new encrypted Siebel administrator password.

In the Windows Registry, navigate to the following entry:

where EnterpriseName is the name of your Siebel Enterprise and SiebelServerName is the name of the Siebel Server.

Right-click ImagePath, and select Modify.
The ImagePath value is shown.

Change the old encrypted password listed (the value following the -ep flag) with the new Siebel administrator password you located in the siebns.dat file in Step b):
C:\sia81\siebsrvr\bin\siebsvc -s siebsrvr -i siebel_siebel -a "-g localhost:2320 -e siebel -s siebel -l ENU -u SADMIN -ep 9ntkUOUf" -t 120 -h C:\sia81\siebsrvr

CAUTION: Changing the Windows Registry can corrupt the Windows Registry file and require a reinstallation of the operating system. Take care when modifying the Windows Registry, therefore, and ensure you have a backup copy of the Windows Registry file.

Stop and restart the Siebel Server system service.

go to SWEApp/bin and open eapps.cfg
change anon user password if anon user is same as sadmin.
If password is encrypted go to cmd prompt
C:\sba81\gtwysrvr\BIN>encryptstring newpassword >string.txt
then copy encrypted password from string.txt to eapps.config anon password.
do iisreset

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