Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to Import CSV data in Siebel - Scriptless Solution

Import CSV data in Siebel with following options :-
Ability to add data from menu item
Popup applet should browse for csv file
Popup Applet will pass csv file path to business service which in turn will call the workflow
Create IO for corresponding to entity for which data is being imported
Workflow will call read csv BS and then insert data using EAI siebel adapter business service

1.Create popup applet of class CSSWEFRImpExp.
Create Applet method menu item on applet where import option should be available
Command : Import
Menu Text:Import
Create new command with following properties :-
Method Argument:Name of popup applet
2.Use following applet user properties of popup applet :-
Property Name :Import business service; Value:Copy of Workflow Process Manager Business Service(ref step 3)
Property Name :Import Method ; Value: RunProcess
3.Make Copy of Workflow Process Manager Business Service
Add Business service user prop
ProcessName : Name of workflow which will make use of read csv BS
4.Create Integration Object and Integration Component Corresponding to entity being imported
5.Give appropriate user key
6.Create Workflow
7.Add start step
8.Add new step for Business service Name:Read CSV File Method:CsvToPropSet
Input Property :FileName
Output Property :SiebelMessage
Note that filepath will be transferred from popup applet to business service to workflow user property with name "FileName"
9.Add new step for Business service Name:EAI Siebel Adapter Method:Insert
Input Property:SiebelMessage
10.Add new step for end
11.Make suitable provision for error handling.

Note : CSV file should be in the following format
Line 1 : # Integration Object Name
Line 2 : # "Integration Component Name.Column Name1",Integration Component Name.Column Name2 and so on
Line 3 : data 1
Line n : data n

Now you are ready to import records in siebel from csv file that too without writing single line of script!!